Car insurance might seem like a very complicated thing. There are a lot of coverages out there, and they might seem bamboozling. We’re going to break down some of the car insurance coverages you can get to protect your bank account.
6 car insurance coverages to consider.
Auto liability insurance:
If you crash into another car, you’re going to owe that driver some money. This is the coverage that helps you cover those expenses – and legal expenses if you get sued.
- Bodily injury: Covers the other driver’s medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
- Property damage: Covers the repairs or replacement of the other driver’s car (or other property.)
Collision coverage:
Okay, so if you smash your car into something (i.e. another car) this coverage helps you repair or replace your car.
Comprehensive coverage:
This covers a whole bunch of problems, such as fire, vandalism, theft, animal strikes, or falling objects (i.e. a hostile tree branch.) It does not cover losses related to accidents or collisions.
UM/UIM (Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist):
If you get hit by a jerk who doesn’t have insurance or who doesn’t have enough insurance to take care of all of the expenses of the accident, this coverage has your back.
Rental reimbursement:
If you’re in an accident, your car is probably going to end up in the shop. Should you need to rent a car, this coverage helps you foot the bill.
Medical payments:
Yikes. Car accidents are scary, and if you’re hurt and have medical bills, this coverage helps you take care of them.
So, yes, there are a lot of coverages out there for cars. Probably because cars are expensive…and kinda dangerous. Anyways, if you want some help figuring out what coverages you need for your car, give us a shout. Message us on LiveChat, fill out our online form, or give us a call.