Insurance TL;DR

What is the Good Student Discount?

If you’re a teenager or young adult, you’ve probably noticed that you get some pretty stinky car insurance rates. And you know, in the interest of pinching pennies, you’re probably wondering how you can save money on your auto insurance. But there’s this magical thing called the Good Student Discount that could help you score some quick savings on car insurance. We’ll explain.

What is the Good Student Discount?

The Good Student Discount is a car insurance discount that many insurance carriers offer to young drivers – teenagers, young adults, and so on. It’s offered to students (both high school and college) that make good grades. It helps offset the high car insurance rates that many young people face.

The Good Student Discount doesn’t exist because insurance companies just like smart people better. It exists because there are studies that show that students who make good grades are less likely to get into accidents. So, students with better grades are seen as being “better” risks to insure because they’re less likely to cause a claim.

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What do I need to get the Good Student Discount?

Every insurance carrier is different. But in general, you need to be able to jump through the following hoops to get the Good Student Discount:

And you’ll have to be able to provide proof of that, too. Unfortunately, the insurance company isn’t going to believe you if you just say, “I promise that I’m smart! Really!” They’ll probably want to see a transcript or something as evidence of your awesome-ness.

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