Insurance TL;DR

How to take a home inventory using Google Drive

Okay, okay, we get it – taking a home inventory is probably not something you’re psyched up to do, even if you know that a home inventory is important for your home insurance. But what if we told you that you could employ a readily accessible technology to make the pain-in-the-butt task easier? It’s this magical thing called Google Drive. We’ll explain how to use Google Drive to take your home inventory.

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How to take a home inventory with Google Drive.

1. Get a Google Drive account.

If you don’t have a Google account or a Gmail…well, get one.

To make yourself more mobile, you can download the Google apps (Google Drive, Google Sheets, and Google Docs) on your phone for the free. Then you can just launch it from your phone and wander around your house easily.

2. Click on the “New” button on the left.

When you click the “New” button, select Folder. This will create a brand-new folder in your Google Drive account. Title it something that makes sense for an inventory, like “Unicorns.” (That was a joke.)

3. Double click on the new folder you’ve created.

Open the new folder you just created. There shouldn’t be anything in it yet.

4. Click “New” again and choose either New Doc (which is like Word) or New Sheet (which is like Excel.)

Choose whether you’d rather use a blank document (Doc) to make your inventory or a spreadsheet (Sheet). Then title your new document or spreadsheet with the name of the room that you’re inventorying.

5. Add the belongings that are in that room to your list.

Then you’ll have to type in all the belongings in that room to keep track of everything. Google Drive automatically saves your work as you go along, so you don’t have to worry about losing anything. Convenient, right?

Pro tip: Include photos. You can drop pictures into your Inventory folder super easily.

6. Update your inventory in Google Drive regularly.

It’s also important to remember to update your inventory regularly to make sure you’re including all of your treasures in it.


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