Insurance TL;DR

If my garage burns down with my car in it, will home insurance cover the car?

Okay, so the theory is that parking your car in the garage protects it from stuff. It’s supposed to be a safe place to keep your ride. But what if a fire starts and spreads to the garage, torching your car? Would home insurance cover the vehicle? It’s a sticky situation insurance-wise. We’ll explain why.

What happens if your garage burns down with your car in it?

Your home insurance would probably not want to cover the car itself. It can help repair the garage and the house, but the car? Maybe not so much. Like we said, it gets sticky.

To protect your car in the event of a fire, you need comprehensive coverage as part of your auto insurance. Comprehensive coverage is a handy-dandy thing to have because it protects your car if there’s a loss caused by something other than a collision – for example, theft, vandalism, falling objects (i.e. tree branches), and animal strikes are often covered. And so is fire. So, if your car gets caught up in a fire while it’s parked in your garage, your comprehensive coverage can help you out.

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If you only carry liability insurance for your car and you do not have comprehensive coverage…well, that’s not good. See, liability insurance doesn’t protect your car. It just doesn’t. Your bodily injury liability coverage helps cover the other driver’s medical expenses and pain and suffering if you’re at fault in an accident. Your property damage liability helps cover the repairs or replacement of the other driver’s car if you’re at fault in an accident (and possibly other property you happen to smash on accident, like a fence.) It can help save your butt if you’re sued by covering legal expenses. But it’s not going to repair or replace your car if something happens to it.

Anyways, what we’re saying is that home insurance is probably not going to be a terrible lot of help if your car is in the garage and gets caught in a fire. You’d probably want to go through your car insurance if you have comprehensive coverage.

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