Am I covered if my car catches on fire?

What if your car catches fire?

Okay, so you have a question. It might seem like a bit of a far-fetched scenario, but you’re curious about something. Not that you’re planning to ever find out how this could work in practice, but in theory…would your car insurance cover you if your vehicle were to catch fire? In other words – is fire covered by car insurance? Well…here’s the deal.

Read moreAm I covered if my car catches on fire?

What is an HO-3 insurance policy?

HO-3 policy

Home insurance comes with a lot of weird stuff. There’s a lot of letters and numbers and terms and all that. It probably feels like a lot of mumbo jumbo. And there are different kinds of policies…which is annoying. But fear not! We’re going to look at a super common type of home insurance policy and explain what it is and does: the HO-3 policy.

Read moreWhat is an HO-3 insurance policy?