8 fireworks safety tips for the Fourth of July

Don’t play around with fire. Just. Don’t.

What better way is there to celebrate the country than with sparky-boom sticks?

Keep in mind, though, that fireworks are SERIOUS. BUSINESS. Thousands of people a year go to the ER for fireworks injuries. Some even DIE. WE. ARE NOT. KIDDING.

Fireworks safety tips.

So, to keep your sparks flying safely, here are some fireworks tips for you:

  1. Keep your fireworks pointed at the SKY.

Not at your friends, not at your neighbor’s roof, not at your car, not near a tree, not even at your pesky siblings. It’s FIRE for goodness sakes. Has Smokey the Bear taught you nothing?!

  1. Keep your firework activity OUTSIDE.

This means anywhere with a roof OR COVERING is OFF. LIMITS. A ricocheting rocket is not worth any amount of Youtube or Tik Tok fame. Don’t do it.

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  1. Read the instructions.

Yes, you really have to. Don’t look at us like that. READ!

  1. Tell your audience to back it up!

Look, we know watching the initial sparks can be exciting, but you know what isn’t? Losing an eye! More bodies around a firework means more opportunities for that firework to hit someone. So, unless someone is a true fireworks artiste like you, keep them away. 😑

  1. Leave “duds” alone

Fireworks can be sneaky little hobbitses and relight when you least expect. Do yourself a favor – douse a dud with water and leave it for a WHILE before trying to pick it up.

  1. No sparklers for the smol ones.

Since toddlers don’t quite have a sense of self-preservation or…rules yet, keep them away from the portable light shows for now. They’ll understand when they’re older.

  1. Respect the law

Sorry to be the party pooper, but you have to obey your local laws for fireworks. Even ‘MURICA has a bedtime and a noise limit. So, respect that.

  1. Use your head

And not to light the firework! (We don’t even know how you would do that, but don’t.) If you’re old enough to light a firework, you’re old enough to use common sense. If you’re not sure you’re being the absolute safest you could possibly be, you’re probably not. Take a second, reassess, and then continue to light up the night.

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